I am Loader!

Counterfeit Warning!

We have learned that counterfeit D.I.D products are currently being distributed via online retail and auction websites around the world. As we have taken action to cease this distribution, we have still seen a drastic increase in recent years.

These counterfeit products often resemble genuine D.I.D products with the use of our name and/or trademark, which makes it difficult to distinguish a difference between the two. As you may be aware, counterfeit products do not meet our quality standards and brings forth the possibility of serious safety issues.

To become aware and protect yourself from becoming a victim of counterfeit products, the infographic and photos of fake D.I.D products are provided below.



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Where motorcycle enthusiasts come together, another successful two-day event wrapped up at Makina Moto Tiangge.
On October 14–15, D.I.D. Philippines, along with our distributor SGC, participated in Makina Moto Tiangge 2023. t This event highlights different thrilling deals and discounts for customers, as well as the high quality and affordable price of the motorcycle chain, and it has a really big potential for us to earn greater earnings and brand awareness for the chain that the company offer.

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